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Annotated Bibliography


1. Citation:

 Annotation: The source provided information about the Athenian government. It talks about the history and what it was like.


2. Citation:

Annotation: This source provided general information about Greek philosophy. This includes why it is important, different philosophers, why it exists, and lists important texts.


 3. Citation:

  Annotation: I found this source useful because it refers to the Socrates who played a big role in communication that carried on to modern day.


4.  Citation:

 Annotation: This source was useful in providing Socrates methods, thoughts, and beliefs. It talks about his philosophy and way of thinking. So basically the article gave a brief summary about Socrates' life and teachings.


5.  Citation: 

 Annotation: This source provided insight to socrates like his beliefs and what happened during that time period. In addition to that, the source has talked about 3 major primary sources which were Aristophanes, Xenophon, and Plato and gave context and deeply explained them. 


6. Citation:,reasons%20underlying%20many%20mental%20ailments.&text=Unlike%20Aristotle%2C%20who%20saw%20the,the%20importance%20of%20the%20brain.

 Annotation: This source gives us information about how philosophy has grown and has been influenced by many people.

7. Citation:

Annotation: This source provided information about the origins and inspiration for the famous painting, "The School of Athens", gave deatils about the artist, where it was from, and what the painting described.

8. Citation:,and%20began%20his%20famous%20conquests.

Annotation: This source explained Aristotle's connection with Alexander the Great, their relationship, and how Alexander helped Aristotle spread his ideas.

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